Oil 12" by 16" on canvas. Photo reference taken out windshield. This is the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge heading East, early in the morning.

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Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on October 17, 2013 at 16:28

Thank you all very much, and Britt, I see exactly what you are talking about; I think I need to vary the width more and break up the pattern of yellow and pink.  I actually fiddled aroung with that more than anything else in the painting, and I don't think I am done yet with that part of the sky.  When I scroll up the page after cutting off the top on the computer, those wormy patterns really grab my eye.  Kind of like a pink and yellow zebra up in the sky.  I did not ask this time but I do always want feedback.  When you get into the painting you are blinded to its faults and you have to pull back and give it a look from a distance, or better yet have someone else take a look at it; so thank you very much for your comments.  Oh, and of course it is not plein air; that would be a good way to get yourself killed.   As you may have noticed by the preponderance of cars coming the other way, I have a reverse commute.  Coming back home, I drive into the sunset, so having a point and shoot digital camera on the seat beside me has given me some terrific photos to paint from.   I was trying to give that feeling of cars whizzing by, and I think I did a much better job of that than with the patterned sky; so no burn pile for this, but off to the fixit pile.   Stu

Comment by Britt Greenland on October 17, 2013 at 12:00

I like the snaking road and bridge very much.  Great job on the feeling we are in the car with you! (Hopefully not a plein air!)  I'm a bit distracted by the pattern of evenly spaced yellow stripes in the sky though.  I know you didn't ask for feedback, but I do believe I've seen you post about other people's tendency to pattern. ; )

Comment by Jessica Futerman on October 17, 2013 at 10:43

Beautiful colour & lovely winding path of headlights - must be hard to concentrate on driving with such a dramatic sky overhead!

Comment by Laura Xu on October 17, 2013 at 9:35

You really captured the moment Stu.

Comment by Silvana M Albano on October 17, 2013 at 8:40

What a nice scene for looking at when commuting!!!!!

Comment by Jon Main on October 17, 2013 at 8:28

Very nice concept Stu - great subject. Nice headlights!


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