This is Lolog Lake, in Neuquen's Province, Argentina. I was planning to paint something similar to this in my Alla Prima try...

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Comment by Silvana M Albano on September 15, 2013 at 14:52

Thanks for the comments! I am really glad you have liked the picture!It reminds me of our summer holidays...

Michael,  I think I have already screwed up!!!!!! Ugh!!! I'm in the middle of painting it... while my family is watching 'Box' waiting for Mayweather ...

But you have really read my mind... I was wondering which colours to use for the mountains and tree and foreground... Everything is dark now, though I have learnt not to use black... The mountains are violet/blue... slightly orange under where the sun is. Perhaps I shoud make that more evident... The foreground is warmer, with more red, but again, I think I will have to light it up a little... I have to start with the water now... It is an excellent idea to make more sky... I'm sorry I haven't seen this before... I will try to take a picture... I think the sky is quite alright... but all the water has still to be painted! I will stop for 10 min and continue... 

Comment by Michael J. Severin on September 15, 2013 at 14:36

Great composition Silvana ....this will turn out very nice.  Be sure to have a lot more sky it is now, the sky and water are equal show a lot more sky by both indicating more sky and chopping off some of the bottom.  Also remember, that those background mountains will be a lighter value then your foreground tree and ground. ..and those mountains will not be black!!! ...they will be in hues of blue and violets.  Where the mountain is next to the sun, that will have a warm glow or halo and lighter in value.  The foreground tree and ground will also not be black!! will be dark, but have lots of warmth.  Anyway, hope that helps with your planning a little?  looking forward to seeing this one!

Comment by Jessica Futerman on September 15, 2013 at 6:08

Gorgeous photo, Silvana - look forward to seeing your painting!

Comment by Carol Ann Rogers on September 15, 2013 at 4:30

Pretty photo! Looking forward to your Ala Prima painting.

Comment by Betsy Jenkins on September 15, 2013 at 3:48

Great photo! I love the composition, and it should make a nice painting.


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