50cmx60cm Oil on canvas

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Comment by Ningning Li on November 7, 2013 at 16:00

Ann, I am very grateful to Michael's teaching. And will study it well . I hope that I can show you the finished painting  late of this month. I learn the lesson of my eye problem for W26. I will first finish W27 homework and then peacefully finish this one. I will try my best to please Michael and make you happy.

Comment by Ann Turner on November 7, 2013 at 12:42

Great advice here !  I look forward to seeing the finished painting and how you implemented Michaels lesson. 

Comment by Ningning Li on November 4, 2013 at 13:30

Michael, Thank you so much!!! As Karlo mentioned it is really bvaluable to all of us. Instead of some suggestions it is a lesson. I am in debt.

Comment by Karlo Bonacic on November 4, 2013 at 10:57

Your critics " are really valuable to all of us (they are lessons in themself) Thanks Michael !

Comment by Michael J. Severin on November 4, 2013 at 1:07

Hi Ningning.  There is nothing wrong with a yellow sky....but your sky is too uniform.  I think you just need to gradate the sky from lighter/warmer where the sun is (on the left), to a little cooler/darker as it goes away from the sun....you can either introduce some blue/violets or burnt sienna to do this.  Your concept is light and shadow and you are doing a good job painting that concept.  I do not think you need the bush on the right?  The tree:  your tree has a good light dark pattern......maybe try and mix some warm greys from your green and orange that your are using, and paint some texture into the tree.  That dark limb on the right ...gradate that limb from a warm dark near the trunk to gradually a warm purple and then ending with a cool purple ..lighten it as you do this ..that gives you LUMINOSITY and keeps the branch from taking us out of the painting.  Do that with the trunk and other branches also, but keep them a little darker.  The field:  Those distant trees are too green and uniform.  Just take some blue/violet (atmosphere color) and mix a little of your sunlight color and paint this into the wet sky to indicate distant trees ..don't be fussy with that ..we will know they are trees.  To make the field in the distance:  Take that same blue/violet/yellow (gray) mixture and paint it thinly into the distant field.  Into that gray, paint the color of your field using red and ocher and white.  As you come forward, introduce more warmer variations.  Take some burnt sienna and indicate some furrows back there..coming toward us ...keep that thin because you will be painting the field color over them ..so the furrows are just indicated.  Paint your bush a warmer (yellow/orange/blue) green where it is receiving light.  Paint the shadow side ...Blue and orange ...make it as dark as the rest of your darks.  Put some cool reflecting light into the edge of your shadowed tree trunk.  And lastly ....put a few strokes of a warmer dark blue into the shadows on the ground ....try either cerulean or thalo blue. 

Comment by Ningning Li on November 3, 2013 at 9:56

I started this one happyly but now I have question of the colour I used.  Can I paint sky yellow(I put a bit orange in the yellow)? I take off the green bush at the right side as I am not sure can I paint the bush resh green? You can see from the survived bush how resh the green is. I have intendency of using high chroma colour but I want to learn to paint grey. Anyway, I am puzzled by what I am doing. Your suggestions will be very much appreciated.


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