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Comment by Jon Main on July 10, 2013 at 7:34

Michael, I can see two of 'em - the cloud with a beak?arm? and that damn tree left of center still. It's quite hard to avoid them.! I miust get into the mind frame - "I will not slvaishly copy what is there but impose design in it. IWILL EDIT NATURE". (Dream on, kiddo)

Comment by Michael J. Severin on July 10, 2013 at 7:14

Jon, there was a reason why I talked about being aware of odd shapes.  You have one, but I am not going to tell you where it is ..because it will drive you crazy when I tell you ..because you will always see it.

Comment by Jon Main on July 10, 2013 at 5:53

Hi, Jessica - Provence is where I live! Thanks for the help and encouragement and..get your camera and sun cream ready! Cheers. Jon

By the way , Anne, that's not a street sign - it's a crucifix - they dot the French countryside - apparently so the the farm workers could pray where they were when the bells rang without having to go into the village. There's a dip in the road there - don't know if that's readable in the painting!! My skills weren't up to that area - at least not at that size... (small)

Comment by Jessica Futerman on July 9, 2013 at 21:24

Maybe it's harder for you to see it yourself Jon, but in my opinion your paintings are improving all the time! So I think it really is coming together for you!  It's great that the learning process always goes on though, and there are always new challenges.  We're off to Provence again for a holiday in August - so will soon be able to see some of that beautiful French countryside again!

Comment by Jon Main on July 9, 2013 at 8:06

Jessica - it's in the center of France. "Coming together" - it sure don't feel like it! Does it ever come together?!

Comment by Jon Main on July 9, 2013 at 8:05

Thanks folks - they really were a buch of perspicious comments!!! I'l glad I'm getting so much help. The subject really got me going - I could keep repeating it, but like Anne says - it'll surely come back in another form somewxhere in the future:)  Good point about odd shapes, Michael, (reality is stranger than fiction!!!)

Comment by Michael J. Severin on July 9, 2013 at 2:51

This is beautiful Jon!! ....great pattern composition.  You have handled your atmospheric perspective really has depth!  One word of caution:  Be very, very  careful of odd shapes that draw too much attention because of their .......... oddity. 

Comment by Ann Turner on July 8, 2013 at 9:03

Very nice, the grey green tree at the bend it a nice variety for the scene. The street marker ? helps to break up the diagonal line that bisects the painting and so does the foliage. The road is darker now but needs some highlights and and darker tones for the ruts in the road. A little texture would invite us into the painting.I wouldn't keep working it now because it is good just as it is but some thoughts for your next road/path. Happy painting !

Comment by Jessica Futerman on July 8, 2013 at 8:19

Yes it seems that you can keep on learning indefinitely, which is a good thing! But it looks likes it's coming together for you!  Is this a scene in France or England?   

Comment by Jon Main on July 8, 2013 at 7:37

Thanks, Jessica. Thos always so many things in them - one needs to spend as much time thinking (while looking at the subject/painting) as actually applying paint!


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