
Views: 121

Albums: Workshop43

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Comment by Ningning Li on June 6, 2015 at 6:37

Pauline, manyThanks. 

Comment by Lori Ippolito on June 6, 2015 at 5:30
This is beautiful Ningning! Your colors are glowing and alive. It looks like daybreak is from beyond the cliffs so the sand is just becoming lit..excellent as always:))
Comment by Pauline Le Merle on June 6, 2015 at 3:31

Nice one Ningning you have achieved beautiful glowing light!

Comment by Ningning Li on June 6, 2015 at 2:29

Jon, thanks. 

Comment by Dorian Aronson on June 5, 2015 at 17:12

Oh Yes darling Li

Yes we can always do better as long as we keep trying!  Hugs!

Comment by Ningning Li on June 5, 2015 at 17:09

Dorian, Thank you so much for holding me and encourage me. I really need it. This work has problems. What I realized is that the water at right upper part can be lighter and colour change smoother, The ripples (?) can be improved, the rocks in the water should have some light on the top. The hill foot should be lighter, ... those I can correct. Brushworks need practise to improve through the workshops.

Dorian, I am happy that you like the hues of it. In fact, Richard mentioned it that we can paint it warmmer and foreground darker. I am a good follower , so I tried it.

Dorian, About beach, mine is not very good , too boring. but if your beach like a snow, might be too much white. We can be better, Happy Painting next workshop.   Smiles .....

Comment by Dorian Aronson on June 5, 2015 at 13:51

Just got home from a fun trip to Florida's Disney with my family. So this is my first time to see your painting  and I am impressed with your version of the scene. I love it and think it is a very beautiful. Your hues are gorgeous, drawing excellent!  You should be so proud and happy.  

Your painting  shows such warmth from the sun's reflections.  Your beach looks  like sand.  

I forgot I was painting beach and ended up with snow!  Smiles to you and Happy Painting next workshop.

Comment by Ningning Li on June 5, 2015 at 4:53

Ruby, Paul, Cristina and Jessica, Thank you so much for your attention and encouragement. I need it indeed.

I had a problem with this W43.  I followed Richard's suggestion painted the forground a bit darker. Then how should I do with the high light? Without high light, the interest center would have no life. But, if I put on the high light, it would compete with the sunlight. Anyway, I put on the high light. 

This workshop is a difficult one for me. There are so many things involved to be taken care of.  Such as, colour change amonge the phases of the hills and details of the rocks on them. I tried but failed. I just could not make them look realistic. So my hills are not have a lot of details. Not because I decide not to do it but I just could not do it well. ( By the way, I noticed that many of our classmates did excellent job of that. George is one of them, Congralutes). I have to make some correction of my water and other things.

But, I am very happy. I progressed a lot. If you see my work of Workshop 2(also rocks and water) you can tell the difference. People say that  trying to do something beyond our comfirtable zoon is a good way to make us learn more new ideas and go up to a higher level. I agree with it and keep on trying.

Comment by Jon Main on June 5, 2015 at 4:19

I like the band of warmth round the lower edge a lot

Comment by Jessica Futerman on June 5, 2015 at 3:26

Looking forward to seeing the new photo, Ningning!  Looks like a lovely painting!


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