9x12 Oil

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Albums: Workshop6

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Comment by Dania Bree on February 24, 2012 at 17:27

Boy, I would love to go to Vegas to, but not this time around.  I am also enjoying the the heck out of this site and all who participate.  Each month I can't wait to see what is next and to see everyone's efforts.  The way everyone opens up makes you feel like you've known them for years.  Richard has a great thing going here and we're all little sponges ready soak it up and apply it.  Thanks again for the kind words.

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on February 24, 2012 at 16:59

Dania, I never see that stuff in my paintings either until I have posted them. What I love about this site is all the input from other artists and the ability to exchange information freely.  I learn an awful lot more from all of you guys than I have ever learned in an art class or workshop.  I think that Richard has a very unusual approach to teaching art and very much deserves the accolades he has received from the art publications.  I wish I could afford the time off to go to the plein air convention in Las Vegas in April and meet him in person.   Nice painting and courageous of you to add in the reflective surface.  You are absolutely right about that's how we learn.  Stu

Comment by Dania Bree on February 24, 2012 at 16:34


You know your right !  The shadow was so dark that I forgot about getting more color of the pear.  That just goes to show you that you can't always trust what you think you see.  It would be better to have some more color like I did with the green grape.  I know the thought of "what did I get myself into with this reflective surface."  Well, thats how we learn.  Thanks for your observation.

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on February 24, 2012 at 16:17

Dania, very nice work.  You already have a lot of input on your pear, but as I see it, the main problem is that you should have the same amount of reflected color from it as you have from your grapes.  The reflective surface can be challenging.  Stu

Comment by Dania Bree on February 24, 2012 at 8:57


Thank you so much for your comments-much appreciated.


So nice of you to give me your insights.  As Julie mentioned earlier - I tried to anchor the pear so that it does not appear to float and lightened the spout of the jug to enhance the light on it.  I also made some very minor adjustments to the body.  Hope I went in the right direction and made it a bit better.

Comment by Rose Herczeg on February 24, 2012 at 4:43

Beautiful painting and love the reflections.. your grapes sing with color and light! :)

Comment by Ningning Li on February 23, 2012 at 11:53

I like this one. you intelegently grey down the background to make   your setup stand out.  The colours  and shapes of your pear and grapes are very beautiful and realistic. As Dee pointed out that your grapes look translucent. They are so real.  I also like your sharp clear reflection on the dark glass, very nice. The only thing, if I were you , I will put more light on the upper part of the neck of the jug, as your photo showed me it is lighter than the body. Just Li´s view .

Comment by Dania Bree on February 23, 2012 at 6:32

Thanks Dee, I've been admiring all of you figures that you posted.  Very nice.  I hope to try some to.  I just posted one  more attempt for the current workshop. I think it worked out a little better than my first - compositional anyway.

Comment by Dee Berridge on February 23, 2012 at 5:51

Great pear! Your grapes look translucent and have a lovely variety of reds. The dark glass is a clever touch.

Comment by Dania Bree on February 17, 2012 at 15:00

Thanks Dorian for your cheerful words.  I feel like everyone is upping their game with each workshop.  It's so much fun to see what everyone is doing.


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