Oil on panel, 80 cm x 60 cm. My third attempt - and it's pretty enormous!

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Comment by Jon Main on October 26, 2012 at 5:13

Hi, Helena, thanks! I hope you're right and that my brushwork is getting better! Jon

Comment by Helena Ignowski on October 25, 2012 at 8:53

Beautiful painting!!Brushstroke very personal!!

Comment by Jon Main on October 21, 2012 at 21:48

Dor! - thanks a lot -this is my third attempt, I never seem to be able to work out what I really want ot do in these workshops! (or outside them, for that matter - very indecisive/lost)

Comment by Jon Main on October 21, 2012 at 21:46

Hi Stu! If I fixed it, then it was by accident! - that's a very interesting comment - I hadn't thought of any of that! Very helpful - tho' come to think of it, someone else said something aboutanother of my efforts that the sky didn't match the scene - I think I'm having problems with skies/unified light - thanks. Jon

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on October 21, 2012 at 12:53

Very nice, Jon.  I almost commented on your second attempt that your sky and the lighting on the trees read wrong for what looked from your foreground light and shadow patterns and your warm colors like a back lit scene with a low sun near sunrise or sunset, but I did not.  You obviously saw that and fixed it.  I think you really nailed it with this one.  You definitely have worked hard on this workshop!   Stu

Comment by Dorian Aronson on October 21, 2012 at 11:04

Way to go John, this is terrific...............so original...  I love it!.....smiles coming your way..........: ))


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