Oil on canvas, 16 x 16
This is a low-light photo that is not very detailed (you cant see strokes--it blends/blurs strokes where some actually exist; you can't see canvas; you cant see many details). But the daylight ran out, and today was the deadline, so I wanted to get something up to let you know I did this.
This was a great assignment. It was beyond my current abilities. But that's what lessons are for. I'll never look at things in the distance the same again. And I can't wait to return to Monterey Bay and Carmel.

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Comment by Betsy Jenkins on May 25, 2013 at 9:11
Montalvo, I am glad you like my painting. I think we share a love of color. I like the colors in my painting. But as far as the assignment goes, I missed the boat ...no pun intended. ;-) my foreground is too bright and chromatic to be set in the distance. Parts of it are too warm (pilings especially)and need graying/bluing down to show the veil of atmosphere. At first, I didn't realize the foreground was to use atmospheric perspective. I thought it was the background only. It may be hard to believe but I did tone this down a lot. But not enough, I am afraid. Look at Sandra Harris painting and you will see. She nailed it on the hea.
Comment by Montalvo on May 25, 2013 at 6:41

Ah..ha! That's why im so attracted to your painting..becasue of the light and how it affects everything around it. Im after it my self., trying to understand it and apply it on canvas is sooo important for me..but what i've learned in your painting is a feeling the colors have... a feeling that tells a story..that's where i want to get to. It's really about me and projecting that so others can get a story or a feeling. That's where i want to go with it. I want to make people cry or feel an emotion or think about an experience. You know what i mean?? I think you do and if you don't im just letting you know that your painting here tells me a story, there's a mood in the water, the man staring out and waiting or looking for something. the distant clouds the weather..all that is what im looking at..at yet it is so simple. Mine...i didn't put to much into it..they were just studies in understanding color and making it clean not mucky. Working on composition and the placements of objects and the distance between the two. Once i understand it... i will put all together and maybe just maybe..i will hit that zone or projecting a feeling or mood in that canvas. Happy Painting Betsy glad your on board.

Comment by Jessica Futerman on May 25, 2013 at 6:41

Very peaceful feeling in your painting - lovely!

Comment by Betsy Jenkins on May 25, 2013 at 6:15
Thank you, Montalvo. I am glad you are responding to some sort of narrative here. Mostly I was just trying to feel and understand the sunlight without losing the drawing. At this point in development I am focusing on understanding the quality and resultant effect of light And absence of light on color and on objects ..and I really struggle with it. On a side note, I have been to Monterey and Carmel and fell in love with it. I tried to transfer (unsuccessfully) there through my job. I guess my love for the place came through somehow. But how, exactly, is a mystery even to me. Thanks again.
Comment by Montalvo on May 25, 2013 at 5:01

So many good paintings and learned so much. There's something that caught my eye on this one. There's paintings that are just.. that ..paintings.. and then there's a painting that pulls you in,that tells a story.

I see  how you didn't over due the boats and the people.  Sometimes making it simple is the best. Very well done Betsy. Thank you for posting and sharing. Really studying this one. Very well done.

Comment by Betsy Jenkins on May 24, 2013 at 14:02

Thanks Dorian and Jess! We all had fun on this one, didn't we?!

Comment by Dorian Aronson on May 24, 2013 at 13:47

Very good Betsy!  Smile to you : ))

Comment by Jess Paskel on May 24, 2013 at 12:57

Really like this Betsy!

Comment by Betsy Jenkins on May 24, 2013 at 4:28

Thanks SO much, Michael! I sweated that pier stuff, believe me! (Actually sweated the whole thing, but that's another story...;-))Looking forward to more conversations about art with you in the future! I learn from your posts and your sure-handed handling of your brush is a real inspiration to me. Thanks again!

Comment by Michael J. Severin on May 24, 2013 at 4:17

Very good painting Betsy!!  Love the way you handled that difficult stuff under the pier! ..the shadow is believable ..it works.


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