I was always fascinated by art and masterpieces of great artists who I happened to know and appreciate closer while visiting museums during my university and worktime.
7 years ago, having a bit more time and a free mind at the approaching end of my professional life, I started to dedicate some of my leisure time to learning guitar and painting. I joined classes (1-2 a week) for painting lessons on aquarelle and later attended weekends aquarelle and oil painting sessions 2-4 yearly). Am moreover passionate in aquarelle and oil paintings, although I have tried some acrylic on my own. Most of my paintings are from given motives and some are from my personal pictures and motives.
My family, my friends and specially my children appreciate them very much. They have several of my favourite paintings hung at theirbplace. Part of them are hung in my floor gallery.
I have decided to join the Complete Artist Network after having watched a video clip of Richard Robinson on youtube and whose paintingstyle impressed me a lot. This is, indeed, a very good platform to exchange and share with people of the same interest and get some feedbacks which can be a great motivation for improving one's technique and gaining more experiences.
View my paintings at http://www.mypaintings.eu
Thank you very much friend!
The Complete Artist is a friendly social network for all artists wanting to improve their painting.
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