Painting at Rangiputa, Northland, New Zealand

10x8" Oil on Canvasboard.

Took a few days with the family up north to Rangiputa, staying in a friend's bach there and working on some paintings for commission. Haven't really worked on commission stuff for a while now since I started getting more choosey about the work I take on, so it was interesting to feel a bit of that pressure back on again.


You have to wage a battle in your head over what you know of the client's desires for their painting and what you know will make a good painting. Those things don't always line up together nicely, there's a bit of pushing and shoving.



Thankfully Rangiputa is a naturally stunning location which lends itself to all sorts of painting opportunities, so I had a lot of fun running around with my gear from place to place soaking it all in. The weather was perfect and so we had some great swims there - nice to see the kids getting more confident snorkeling. Would have liked some more time there, but I managed to get enough painting and photography done to work with back in the studio.



20x20" Oil on Canvas.

While I was painting this larger one on the beach I took a break half way through and went for a swim to cool down, and when I came back my easel had blown over and taken everything with it into the sand - just a second to happen, half an hour to clean up. So this photo of my brush is not a new technique, and when they say 'load your brush with paint', don't do this!



20x20" Oil on Canvas.


11x14" Oil on Canvasboard.

All the best you guys and thank you for your concerned emails about the big quake in New Zealand. I'm far away from Christchurch where it happened so we're not affected and all our family down there are okay, but clearly there are many who are not okay, and it's a dark day for New Zealand. So thankyou for your thoughts and prayers.




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Comment by Richard Robinson on February 25, 2011 at 12:34

Thanks guys. Just found out the place to donate to the Christchurch Earthquake Red Cross Appeal:

Comment by Anton Pavlenko on February 24, 2011 at 14:07
Great work, Richard. I especially like the last one! I wish we had that Kind of weather here in Oregon right now--I'd be painting outdoors as well!
Comment by diane boucher on February 24, 2011 at 12:58
The paintings are cool too but that goes without saying :):)
Comment by diane boucher on February 24, 2011 at 12:58
A beutiful spot with such whie sand. Love the loaded Brush That will learn you for haveing a flying device (Umbrella) on your easle :)
Comment by Dorian Aronson on February 23, 2011 at 21:55

Thanks for the update.  So glad you and your family are safe.  Even your loaded paint brush is beautiful with it's sails........

I would love to own all of  your Ranqiputa Beach paintings. 



Comment by John P Garrett on February 23, 2011 at 16:52

Hi Richard,


Thanks for posting your painting experiences in Rangiputa.

I am studying your Master Class on Manaia amd I am learning and enjoying it very much.


I just found out about the Quake in Christchurch today. I am glad you and your family were not affected by the tragedy.




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