All Blog Posts (601)

Inspired by Sunsets

Added by Richard Robinson on May 3, 2014 at 18:33 — 1 Comment

Mastering Sunset

A big Thank You to Richard for this new Mastering Sunset video serie. I consider it as a gift for the professional presentation and the complete lessons included. A must for people like me who want to get more experience and expertise and a superb product. My first sunset experience.…


Added by Jocelyn Arsenault on May 2, 2014 at 6:18 — No Comments

Final Reveal - Portrait to be delivered tomorrow!

Thanks to all who gave input regarding the background for this portrait!!  i chose the blue/gray to complement and bring out her skin tones.

Added by Lori Ippolito on April 30, 2014 at 16:31 — 11 Comments

Steve Jobs

This is a Macintosh Apple. Steve Jobs worked on Apple farms during his adolescent years, which influenced the name of his famous company: Apple. Jobs had a high regard for the place, where Art intersected with technology. Being an amateur artist and a professional engineer, I sort of understand this intersection and enjoy when and where I see the two meeting,… which…


Added by Faisal Tariq on April 27, 2014 at 3:50 — No Comments

Two Paintings Accepted into Juried Museum Show

Great news - two of my paintings have been accepted into the Westmont College Ridley-Tree Museum of Art, in Santa Barbara, CA. The juried show, "Made You Look!", was judged by artist, Meg Cranston, who is the Chair of Fine Arts at Otis College of Art and Design.

The two pieces are:

"Black Beauty" & "Eye of the Cheetah"…


Added by Lanny Sherwin on April 24, 2014 at 4:41 — 3 Comments

Brush Bath

Another little 7"x5" painting… Enjoy!  I will be putting it up shortly for sale on Daily Paint Works:

Visit my website/blog:…


Added by Faisal Tariq on April 15, 2014 at 17:06 — 2 Comments

FOX HUNT Finished

Thanks to everyone who read and commented on my previous Fox Hunt blog..I'd "finished" the painting but was always bothered by the road..I recently painted dirt over the road and am much happier with the result:)

Added by Lori Ippolito on April 8, 2014 at 17:09 — 6 Comments

Painting Waipu Cove Cafe

"Coffee at the Cove" 18x24" Oil on Canvas by Richard Robinson

The block-in completed.



Added by Richard Robinson on April 3, 2014 at 17:36 — 6 Comments

Vanishing point

I was painting in mt gallery today, which is not often, and a couple of ladies were watching when one asked me if my gable roof lines were off.

I was painting like roof lines in #2 and they felt they should be as referenced in #1.

Once I showed them that #1 had no vanishing point Like #2 they were happy and continued their tour of the town.

Just a small tip and hope she works for you.…


Added by Jim Moyer on April 2, 2014 at 4:00 — No Comments

Broken Colour

Had a great day today painting with a friend out at Waipu Cove, showing her (and learning myself) the technique of adding broken colour to a painting after the initial block-in stage. I took a before and after photo to help with the teaching…


Added by Richard Robinson on April 1, 2014 at 19:30 — 1 Comment


Everything in this painting depicts a sort of feminine elegance to me.  

Available at DPW:…


Added by Faisal Tariq on April 1, 2014 at 16:51 — No Comments

Cool Haircut - Another Cafe Sketch

I was attracted to this gentleman's haircut.  Although my 30minute sketch did not do justice to it.  Anyway here it is.

Visit my blog:

Added by Faisal Tariq on March 27, 2014 at 16:21 — No Comments

Still Life

Still_Life.JPGI would really appreciate any feedback

Added by Ramya on March 27, 2014 at 15:10 — No Comments

background color for a portrait in progress

HI!  I'm working on a portrait..miles to go still!! I'm trying to decide upon a background color that will enhance rather than compete or wash out the portrait.  This is what I have and a unhappy with it.  I will paint in her dress - dark blue and pink to better judge, but I'm thinking this bg color is too drab..any ideas??

I've taken…


Added by Lori Ippolito on March 26, 2014 at 8:00 — 6 Comments

Underpaint canvas

Can an old piece of canvas be underpainted with Liquin to stop it drinking in the oil paint?

Added by Steinunn Einarsdottir on March 18, 2014 at 3:55 — 4 Comments

Staring… (in Color)

So I took my monochromatic self portrait into color, and played with cropping.  So, here it is, after a lot of staring into the mirror…. Please do provide your feedback… :)

Added by Faisal Tariq on March 17, 2014 at 3:49 — 3 Comments

just a question

I need to find out the best way to ventilate a studio..does anyone know?

Added by Shirley Peterson on March 16, 2014 at 15:09 — No Comments


Staring into the mirror and painting oneself is a job and a half. I find self-portraits the hardest.  The subject keeps moving and I as an artist keeps chasing.  Also, the mirror inverts your features, so no matter how hard you try it will be a little off.  However, I am very pleased at the likeness of this.  My biggest critiques,…, my children…


Added by Faisal Tariq on March 13, 2014 at 16:38 — No Comments

Superimposing a Grid onto an Image using Free Tools

For the group exercise, I wanted to superimpose a grid over my painting piece to make it easier to get the position of elements correct in my painting. You can do this using Photoshop, but for those of us who don't have it, there is an alternative. My husband found a free tool online that you can use to do this very easily.


1. Install Paint.NET

a) Go to…


Added by Laura Xu on March 10, 2014 at 18:50 — 1 Comment

new member

Greetings.  I am not really into the world of blogs but have just been allowed to join as a member of this painting group.

I am 85 years old and have what is known as macular degeneration.  This has the effect of now giving me slightly distorted vision which can be both amusing and frustrating.  Things aren't always where I think they are.  This might be helpful with some of my brush strokes.

I have painted now and again during the last 40 years, just for my own…


Added by michael ernest gooding on March 10, 2014 at 13:53 — 4 Comments

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