Kellar Beach 11' by 14" oil on textured panel. Laura Xu came up from Sunnyvale and painted over at Point Richmond with my Saturday plein air painting group. Beautiful day. Laura had a very nice painting of an oil tanker unloading at the Richmond Chevron Refinery pier in front of Mt. Tamalpais. I went for (as usual) the more complex scene with the houses along the shore.

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Comment by Michael J. Severin on April 9, 2014 at 8:09

Very nice "O" type composition Stu!! ....You are certainly not afraid of complex scenes ..I like the way you handled the waders ....they give a human element and adds some scale.  Happy to see you posting some of your work ..hope to see more.

Comment by Laura Xu on April 9, 2014 at 4:13

Stu, this is excellent! You really captured the scene! I like everypart of the painting. I like your bold brush work and loose style now.


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