11" by 14" oil on textured panel, plein air, Richard Lindenberg palette (expanded primary plus). AM of Day 3 Richard Lindenberg plein air workshop, cloudy day.

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Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on May 1, 2014 at 14:56

Ann these are new to me from Richard and are one of the many things I likes about his workshop.   Stu

Comment by Ann Turner on May 1, 2014 at 14:52

Thank you for the information Stu on the palette. I haven't heard of the Sennelier blue grey or the Indigo. Thank you for adding a little light blue to the water and sky in this one.

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on May 1, 2014 at 14:29

Lori, this is just Richard's palette that he favors.   He regularly uses cad yellow light, yellow ochre, Sennelier yellow-orange, cad red light, alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue and indigo.   He adds occasionally sap green, dioxazine purple and Sennelier blue gray.   The blue gray and the indigo were new to me; both are desaturated blues with indigo very transparent, warm and very dark and the blue gray very opaque, desaturated, mid value and a little cooler than ultramarine blue.   Both these blues that are new to me are qujite useful for sky and water.  Richard mixes his blacks from indigo and alizarin and adds a little yellow ochre if needed.   I almost never put out thalo blue as my cool yellow in my expanded primary palette for plein air painting because I don't like the way it overwhelms everything, so I am going to try putting out indigo as my cool blue for awhile and see how I like it; it makes very dark mixes but when a lot of white is added it comes close to cerulean.  I used a lot of the Sennelier blue gray in the sky and water in this painting and it seemed to work very wiell.   This was a workshop where I tried to do everything that the instructor told us to do.   I have know Richard for a few years but had never taken a workshop from him.   After this three day workshop, I give him an unqualified "A" for his teaching.   He used to be Sennelier's US products manager and is one of the Plein Air Magazines marketing directors now.   He is quite partial to and very familiar with Sennelier's paints.   Stu

Comment by Lori Ippolito on May 1, 2014 at 13:26
This is wonderful Stu..one of my favorites!! I don't know the lindenberg palette..I'll have to look it up.. How do you find using these colors?


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