well now, that was a lot of work. Which one do you prefer, if any. Do I seem to be developing a direction. I sure am worried about my brushwork... Comments?

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Comment by Jon Main on April 28, 2013 at 7:55

Thanks Silvana and Jim. A disaster is when I could do better    ;(   - I hope ;D Jim, I want some of that style there like yours - it sounds like it's not too limiting    ;) !    Cheers

Comment by Jim Haycock on April 28, 2013 at 6:44

No disassters, Jon.  But, I do agree with the others that the bottom two are my favorites -- maybe as Silvana pointed out, because they seem to have more contrast.  The upper parts of the trees in the lower right look terrific on my computer, and I really liked your original posting of this one for that reason.  And, as Stu mentioned, the bright yellow roof on the one might be a bit distracting.  But, they are all good!  Are you going for realism or impressionism or like me maybe a little neo-polymorphic-psuedo-hyper-ordinal-creationism?

Comment by Silvana M Albano on April 28, 2013 at 6:00

By the way... I wouldn't call them disasters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by Silvana M Albano on April 28, 2013 at 6:00

I like the bottom right one the most. Perhaps because of the contrast? But I like also the others! I think your style is quite realistic! I totally agree with you in the annoyance of seeing the painting in a different way after some time... I would always keep on changing things on them.... 

Comment by Jon Main on April 27, 2013 at 21:45

Thanks guys. Good to see you, Rivk - your opinion's values. Stu, thanks for always taking the time to coment and help - untiring efforts. Sharon, that's kind of you to visit my blog - well everyone seem to be in agreement - that avoids me having a load of internal debate. Funny how when you're in the process of doing a painting it's one thing, but if you leave it for a day or a week or two - you see it so differently. Annoying really - experimenting and discovery are fun - but a bit fraught!

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on April 27, 2013 at 15:03
Jon, I am in full agreement with Rick on favorites and color issues. I think greying down your yellows a little might help. You could try glazing with a cool purple like dioxazine violet over you brightest yellow areas and see if this helps. I do not think that any of these paintings should be labeled a disaster; and I think your brushwork is very good. I think your primary problems are composition (arrangement of objects mainly) and color harmony (too much saturated yellow and yellow- oranges). As for your direction, I think it is just fine; these are all very well done paintings with a lot of visual interest. Stu
Comment by Sharon Repple on April 27, 2013 at 13:49

Jon, my favorites are the bottom two but the others look good also.  I enjoyed looking at your blog.

Comment by Rick Harder on April 27, 2013 at 12:46

Jon, Hello to you.  The botom-right one is the best.  Next is bottom-left.  Next is top-left. The remaining three seem to be off on color some how.  Best, to you.


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