So, from some 30 sorties, sold 1 (bottom right), kept 9,
4/5 others that were "OK", rest were wipers. Any one else find that it's a great experience but pretty difficult?

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Comment by Jon Main on July 26, 2014 at 23:53

OK!! The problem I have is above all to find a scene I want to paint (and that is then OK for me to set up in reasonable comfort!)

Comment by Olivia O'Carra on July 26, 2014 at 7:18

I second that  Jon. 

Comment by Jon Main on July 25, 2014 at 21:12

That's a nice detailed comment, Ann - thanks - sound right to me! Good point about the bottomledt one, especially - too right!

Comment by Ann Turner on July 24, 2014 at 12:28

Hi Jon, I generally think that your strong lead ins are an asset to your work because it helps the viewer to go back into the painting where you put the goodies (houses etc) Now I will try to be more specific regarding my feeling about some of them. The painting on the lower left moves the viewer too fast into the painting and would serve the painting better if it had some shadow pattern or grass growing on the side of the path also this one needs to have value on the path move from light to dark or dark to light. The middle bottom is a nice shape with just slightly lighter value to take us in also it helps to cut the strong diagonals so they don't over power. So in this painting I think lead in works for you. My favorite lead in is left middle with the  swish road that adds energy and repeats the warms back in the painting. Just some of my thoughts, lead ins should  bring the viewer slowly in, add to the main focal, use variegated color and change value as the viewer moves from front to back of the painting. You are developing your own style and the use of a strong lead in is part of it so go ahead and paint them.

Comment by Jon Main on July 24, 2014 at 7:19

Thanks, guys, Thomas - right - I'll try to keep going. Stu what's funny there is I'm developing an appreciation of cool light!. Silvana and Anne - yeah, am I overdoing the lead in?! Good point Laura :) - Betsy, - yeah I relaized I need cards to give out!! Good point!! Thanks Aurelia, my friend :)

Comment by Aurelia Sieberhagen on July 23, 2014 at 18:36

Lovely selection of work Jon! 

Comment by Betsy Jenkins on July 23, 2014 at 18:12

This is like a menu at an all you can buffet! Yummy! Great to look at several at a time. Great idea.

I don't sell my plein air because its not that good, but  I do carry cards with me. There's always  people milling about who want to see what is going on. I strike up  a conversation and then give them a card. I have gotten a couple of commissions like that.

Comment by Laura Xu on July 23, 2014 at 18:07

Congrats Jon! Start from one will have two and more...


Comment by Ann Turner on July 23, 2014 at 17:16

Nice compilation of your work ! These are impressive for plein air because they are all complicated scenes with a full range of values and multiple  subjects. As Silvana pointed out, you have strong lead-ins

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on July 23, 2014 at 16:53
Yeah, it's a lot different and a lot harder than studio painting. I'm way beyond 100 sorties; probably 75 or more just this past year. Just sold 2 plein air paintings in Wisconsin this past month. I think I will do like you Jon and put a bunch of the best ones together and post. I remember that you told me almost 2 years ago that my paintings were on the cool side; I have really warmed up my plein air work the past year. Stu


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