my second attempt at the broken color exercise:
again, the photo of the original setup appear lighter than in life
1. photo of setup
2. block study
3. broken color: added alizarin and magenta
3. added phthalo turquoise
I'd say this is an improvement from my first study using the single orange block, though I don't like the background color..
critiques are most welcome!!

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Albums: Workshop31

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Comment by Lori Ippolito on April 11, 2014 at 13:36

sure Michael..I'll do the same on the pears

Comment by Michael J. Severin on April 11, 2014 at 1:23

Hi Lori, would it be possible to post your final painting of this block study ..but  without the others? ..these images are too small to pick up the broken color effects.


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