Underpainting in acrylic. 24x30" - about 30 minutes in the studio.

There's something to be said for waiting a long time to be able to paint - something like a prisoner (innocent of course) finally released to run through an open field. Boy that felt good. Been crazy busy this past week replying to hundreds of emails and packaging an equal number of dvds to post around the world after Robert Genn's letter about my Mastering Color course: http://clicks.robertgenn.com/mastering-colour.php

Absolutely crazy. It's the middle of winter here so the water is freezing but that didn't stop me running down to the beach and throwing myself in the ocean attempting to clear my buzzing head. (Sort of worked - replaced the buzzing with pain for a while). DVD orders and emails are still pouring in today but I just had to give my head another break so got out my acrylics and threw them onto a couple of decent sized canvases with the biggest brush I could find. Works like a treat. Very tempted to continue in this loose vein with them, but they're sort of commissions to swap for my accommodation last month in Queenstown, which makes me tend to stick with my usual style. Great fun though. Will do more of these in my own time.

Underpainting in acrylic. 24x30" - about 15 minutes in the studio.

Got a really fun project underway at the moment. Here's the logo I've designed for it:

Lots of fun - will let you know more about that soon. ;-)

Anyone who's in a rut at the moment, I suggest you get your big brushes out and splash some paint around - good for the soul.

Happy painting,


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Comment by Brenda Osborne on March 12, 2012 at 18:10

Love the new Logo Richard! Thanks for the many emails you send me with painting tips, I have completed three paintings within the last three weeks, and have thoroughly enjoyed it.  Never used Acrylics before, but have decided they are fabulous.  Can you use oils and acrylics together in the one painting?

Kindest regards.

Comment by Peter Edwin Barfoot on August 15, 2011 at 18:52
Richard Robinson's www.TheCompleteArtist.ning.com is a very helpful website.
Comment by Lorna Allan on September 20, 2010 at 19:56
Thank you Richard. Will go and look there. (O:
Comment by Richard Robinson on September 20, 2010 at 19:55
Hi Lorna. Welcome to the group. The most recent blogs show those two paintings completed with acrylics.
Comment by Lorna Allan on September 20, 2010 at 19:50
Hi Richard, I have just joined here. I am wondering if you are going to continue your 'acrylic underpainting" to the end in acrylic? I mostly use acrylic and would be interested to see how your works differ if you use acrylic for the whole painting. Do you ever do that? Or only oils? I do admire your work.
Warm regards
Comment by Maria Reinhard on July 29, 2010 at 10:14
Hi Richard, I am so happy to hear about your success in sellling your DVDs and that you have been going a little crazy. Nothing wrong with being a little crazy once in a while. But I have always been told "Be careful what you wish for.....". Wishing you much more success and things will eventually even out. I see that you paint in Acrylics as well..... so when is the new DVD coming out? Happy Painting. Regards Maria
Comment by Richard Robinson on July 6, 2010 at 8:33
:-) Yep, I hear ya.
Comment by Marie Pinschmidt on July 6, 2010 at 0:52
Be very careful. I sometimes ruin a painting by not being able to leave it alone. Instead of "fixing" a canvas perhaps we should do another one using the same colors, etc. and see where it takes us. Ah, the burdens of being an artist! LOL.
Comment by Ginny Blakeslee Breen on July 5, 2010 at 3:27
Richard, hopefully, you will share the outcome of the painting!
Comment by Richard Robinson on July 4, 2010 at 15:33
Hi Marie, yes it's been sitting on top of the piano in the lounge daring me to touch it for a few days now and I've come to like it more and more. For me even as a loose piece it's not quite finished - not enough to hold my interest yet. I'm thinking I'll give it another session this week and try not to lose the freedom of this first statement.


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