Morning, Ruakaka Reserve. 11x11" Oil on Canvas

"Morning, Ruakaka Reserve" 11x11" Oil on Canvas by Richard Robinson

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Dragged my sorry butt out of bed this morning at 6am and went painting down the road just after sunrise. Lovely time of morning to be painting - I'm generally a lazybum in the morning so it was really nice to get out early for a change and have a painting done before breakfast. I can see a few things I'd like to change already like the cloned light patch at top and bottom - what was I thinking!? There was some truly stunning colour in those reeds when the sun came out - such a pleasure to paint.

Lately I've been redoing some old paintings afresh in an attempt to push my style to the 'next level', which I do have a good idea what that's going to look like, but cajoling my brain into actually doing it with every new painting is turning out to be quite a feat. Battle on McDuff, battle on.

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Comment by Richard Robinson on November 30, 2012 at 9:10

:-) Could be Ruakaka Beach Jeri!

Comment by Jeri McDonald on November 30, 2012 at 5:50

Hi Richard....I am painting Tolowa Dunes where I live in Crescent City, California, USA. Your painting reminds me in some ways of the beauty we have here. I was inspired to paint this dune after seeing the dune paintings in your gallery of New Zealand. I love the softness of the grasses but am having difficulty painting them to look real with the very subtle value changes. I can't wait to get your dvds for Christmas so I can learn how to capture the softness, the infused light, and more.


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