Roena King's Comments

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At 1:06 on October 9, 2010, Jeffery Doherty said…
I have been sitting here watching your slideshow. You have some beautiful sketches and lovely landscapes as well. Thanks for commenting on my leaf paintings. I'm glad you like them. The first one I ever did was on holiday years ago when I ran our of watercolour paper but found some lovely big flat leaves in the garden outside our room - so I painted them instead.
At 20:18 on October 8, 2010, Tony Outis said…
Thank you for your warm welcome Roena. I 'll browse for a while and then get involved much more. Thanks again.
At 4:40 on October 8, 2010, Serena Nello said…
Thank you for your welcome!!
I'll try to do what you've told me! :)
love sere
At 21:09 on October 7, 2010, Bernadett Budavári said…
I could not continue in that comment-section, looked like run out of space or something. So ok, the weekend it is. I will not have an excuse to not do something painty :-) During the week I work, get up early, and arrive home at about 6pm.
Thanks for the walk, I like it :-)
Did you paint the onion? B
At 21:07 on October 7, 2010, Bernadett Budavári said…
I guess it just about being in present time. Thinking about making it perfect it just comparing what I'm doing do with something else that it not the thing that IM just dealing with. (Am I making sense here...?) I originally like landscape and clowds very much. First I wanted to make it look like the picture I made the painting from and the paintings that are like photographs made a big impressiion on me. But it was rather the technique that impressed me, not really the feeling that they conveyed. Later on and even now I just want to express and convey feelings with or in relation to light. It is there most of the time there in my paintings and drawings, light as the source, the goal, the effect. That's why I like RR's website and lessons because he is dealing with light a lot. I'm not attracted to paint people, I would rather do nature, Or, something completely different, like dream-like environment, with strange and unusual colors and effect butstill nature-related.
At 15:42 on October 7, 2010, Cheryl Lipham said…
Thank you for the warm welcome! I too am a newbie to painting. My first class was a couple of years ago through the local community college. As I told my instructor, when I was a youngster in elementary school I had a friend who was taking painting lessons. I would have loved to have taken lessons, but could not because I was taking piano instead! I never took lessons in school. I thought you had to have innate talent in order to take a class! Well, it wasn't until decades later that I received an easel and paints from my grown children to get me started on the road to painting. With a half a dozen 6-week courses behind me, I am really enjoying myself. I've got so much to learn though. The only things I have learned from our instructor is how to blend paints with the primary colors and how to care for your brushes. She often gives encouragement, but doesn't really give instruction. I am looking forward to RR's series. Which do you think would be most advantageous to a beginner? Thanks for your help!
Warm Regards,
At 14:04 on October 7, 2010, Maureen Ward said…
Thanks for the tip about covering the oils with water -- hadn't heard that one yet. I've been using the freezer trick, but that's been somewhat of a pain. By carmax jars you mean those little tiny jars? I usually have more leftover than could fit into one of those teeny ones! :->

I'm working my way through RR's color series myself. It's been good. The landscape workshop was good too. Taught a 4 value system for typical landscapes. Put down the sky first & then everything else in relation to the value before it. Sky lightest, plane next, distant uprights next and near uprights the darkest. We had to use a very limited palette which was also a good discipline.
At 9:24 on October 7, 2010, Maureen Ward said…
Hi Roena,

At the moment, I'm focusing on oils, with a bit of acrylics thrown in when I don't feel like doing the whole oil apparatus. About 15 years ago I took weekly oil painting lessons from an immigrant from Soviet Georgia. Then work intervened for the most part and I'm just getting back to it. Have been taking lessons at a local art studio & signing up for workshops here and there. Just finished a landscape workshop in Easton MD. My first time working in oils in the great outdoors. Scary & exhilarating at the same time.
At 6:19 on October 7, 2010, Maureen Ward said…
Thanks for taking the time to welcome me to the site. It was very warm and encouraging. I look forward to being an active and kind member!
At 20:39 on October 6, 2010, Beverly Theriault said…
Hi Roena, I've been away from the site for a while, so i just now saw your comment on my 'Sarasota Garden' painting. Thanks so much for your kind words. Yes, it did take a long time to finish, about four months. This past weekend, I had the pleasure of doing a painting demonstration at the Plano International Festival. The weather was wonderful and I really enjoyed all the people stopping by to chat. I had never painted in public before and was a little nervous going in, but now I can't wait to do it again.
At 13:53 on October 5, 2010, Kathi said…
Thank you so much for your welcome. I work full-time so haven't had a chance to look through everything yet, or post anything. I hope to soon!
At 11:50 on October 4, 2010, Elaine Fraser said…
Thanks Ro for the very kind words. Princess Di indeed! What can I say?!! Actually it is funny because my husbands family, after meeting me for the first time some 25 years ago, suggested I looked like Sarah Ferguson, Prince Andrews then wife. Perhaps in another life I had royal connections. Pity I don't have the money to match them. :o) My blog is way out of date now. I need to update it and perhaps add some more work sometime. Those dry spells come and go and I hear they are quite common among us artists. Painting is keeping me busy again now thankfully.
At 6:30 on October 4, 2010, Vida Evenson said…
Thanks Ro! How sweet of you to reach out and make this newbie here feel welcome :) Haven't had time yet to snoop around here and figure it all out. But that will come. I just downloaded the Color and Master Class and am watching intently. I need to take a few steps back and put some basic skills into place before moving on again. There is so much to learn.... Glad I found this place. I look forward to meeting people here and helping out where I can. Hugs for now... Vida (in Greece)
At 12:05 on October 3, 2010, Gail Runciman-Nicholls said…
Thank you Ro. How humble you make me feel with your lovely comment; I really value our friendship - just wish you were here in Oz, so we could paint together! :-))
At 10:44am on October 03, 2010, Gail Runciman-Nicholls gave Roena King a gift
Thank you! :-))
At 21:51 on September 29, 2010, TonyImagine said…
Thanks, Roena! - Tony
At 6:28 on September 26, 2010, Matteo Bevilacqua said…
Hi Roena! thank You very much for the book suggestion. I must admit that it will be useful for me.. prob I will buy it as soon as possible. About Richard Robinson I've already bought lesson on line from his site.

At 4:52 on September 26, 2010, Peggy Guichu said…
On one of my honeymoons we went to New Mexico and, now don't laugh, I fell in love with the dirt. I couldn't get over the colors.

For what it's worth, here's my take on color theory. It's bunk! I have made the most beautiful browns out of yellow and purple. And yellow and purple are no-no's together according to theory. If I didn't think I would lose you as a friend, I'd tell you about my color experience. You'd think I'd dropped off for sure. But let me say that there is so much more color around us and our eyes are not prepared to see it, but it's there. (I do have to say that I have never done drugs, just in case you think my experience has come from some dope high:)) I've spent the last 30 years trying every which way to find new colors, but because I can't really see it except in my mind, I keep trying to create it on canvas. Color is what my paintings are all about.

I read about other artist's palettes and what colors they use to do their art and I find it very interesting. I have a drawer in my little cart I use for everything oil related that is filled with lots of color. When I start a new painting I drop a bit of everything out there and start mixing it. I've done the 4 or 5 color mixes that some talk about and it's okay, but I like to get it all out and just play with it.

I'm with you on the spot light. I did "Source" (www.peggyguichu/works/497857) as a study on shadows and spot light. I've had a hard time getting that right. I think I finally got it right on this one. I have always been too conservative with my highlights. The painting I'm working on now is to make everything have shape. Either popping it out or punching it in. I want to be able to stand back and see the difference on this painting. It's a real challenge. I'm so stingy with my use of paint. I get the 40% off Michael's ads and buy one tube at a time when I can. So let the color flow. Paint what you see, then paint what you don't.
At 21:31 on September 25, 2010, Gail Runciman-Nicholls said…
Hi Ro,
Thank you for commenting on Western Star, Movin' the Young "Uns and My Studio Door.
I'm glad someone can recognise small parts of a horse! :-))
At 18:02 on September 25, 2010, Peggy Guichu said…
Dear Roe,

So sweet of you to think of me. Like everyone else I suppose, my life is complicated. I'm responsible for my 87 and 84 year old parents. My Dad had several strokes three years ago and had 3 heart surgeries prior to that so he's a mess now and my Mother broke her back a couple of years ago and has, within the last 3 weeks, lost her memory, but refuses to find out why. I'm always the bad guy, but doing my best to keep them safe. I have a caregiver now coming to their house every day which has really helped me. But my Mother still calls me to change light blubs and every single thing else. My youngest son is going through a heart breaking divorce so he needs a lot of attention right now. He lives in Minnesota and is a Marine recruiter. Then I have my daughter and her three children who live near by and being a single Mom of teenagers and working nights as a ICU RN, she needs a lot of help, too. I also do the advertising for my husband everyday. Thank GOD my oldest son lives in Perth, Australia:) So, I'm amazed that I find time every day to paint. It's my escape from reality. It's just life, right?

Yes, I do know all about Roswell, NM. I've never been there though. My husband looks to the skies and asked to be beamed up weekly:) I stay up late most nights and listen to Coast to Coast on the radio and Roswell is one of their favorite topics. I'm opened to most everything odd out there, but my feet are firmly planted on the ground. I loved your joke.

I've tried to keep up with all the conversation that's going on about your glazing. It's wonderful how so many have answered your request for comments. I would like to think I'm brave enough to do that, but have never ventured out there. Most people don't get my art anyway. I'm sure they could find lots and lots of things I could do differently or better. Maybe after reading the first paragraph my art makes more sense:)

Don't let those little green guys bother you now. Peg


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