Chuck Warner


Yuma, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

How would you categorize your painting style?
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
watercolor and scratch art
Are you a full time artist?
Part Time
Who are your favourite 2 artists?
Sterling Edwards and Lian Zhan
Do you have any goals for your painting?
MY goal is to continue to learn and improve in my artistic efforts.

Comment Wall:

  • Steinunn Einarsdottir

    A warm welcome to our world Chuck.

  • Steinunn Einarsdottir

    I am happy to hear that you already have friends and not alone in the world!

  • Silvana M Albano

    Chuck, your paintings are great! You are really privileged to have them around!!

  • Margo Gilroy

    Thanks Chuck. I was just looking at the other pieces that you have done - all are amazing. Well done!! Thanks for the lesson on scratch art :)

  • Margo Gilroy

    So much for retirement! I'm sure you enjoy what you're doing though. Good for you!

  • Candi Hogan

    Thanks Chuck for the info on the color in your work.    About a 100 years back in high school, I did a scratch board of a girl with a guitar that I go an award for, but that was about all I knew about them.   Were you at the Las Cruces Convention Center a couple months back for the Art Show?  If so, I stopped and commented on your art...should have asked then, and got to know you!

      I've been thinking about doing something with that roadrunner too!  Thanks for sharing all of you art, love all of the dogs, but my very favorite is the giraffes!

  • Pauline Le Merle

    Hi Chuck, nice to here from you, my Trout was lovely it's my next favourite fish after sea bass.  Glad you enjoyed your trip to Bath it's a great little city  and I love living on it's doorstep.  Thanks for your lovely comments,  I think your scratch work is pretty amazing, I wouldn't even know where to begin.  Best wishes Polly :-}}

  • Pauline Le Merle

    Chuck, just been looking through all your artwork, you really are the king of scratch! it's a great show! :-}}}

  • Susan Burke

    Chuck, Good luck on the arts and crafts show today and have a great, safe 4th!

  • Susan Burke

    Sounds like you did pretty well for yourself! You said you need the rain, are you in California? I live on Cape Cod and, we're okay in the rain department; but, it's a bit warmer than usual for us. How did you get into scratch art? You must love animals, it shows in your work!

  • Susan Burke

    Wow--50 years!  That's wonderful!  I love the cool weather (I adore fall and winter on the Cape--and not just because the tourists all go home). Of course, last winter we had record snowfall here in Massachusetts. For one storm we had to climb out a window because the snow was so high we couldn't open the door!  What a nice story about how you were introduced to scratch art. It's amazing how small the world seems sometimes!

  • Susan Burke

    Your trip to England sounds fantastic! So your wife's family were pilgrims!  We like our pilgrims around here! My family are relative newcomers, most of my ancestors came over during the Irish potato famine.  Today is way to hot here!

  • Susan Burke

    At the risk of sounding cliche, America really is a melting pot! My maternal grandmother was born in Frankfurt, Germany and her family emigrated here when she was 2. I remember her telling me that the other kid's made fun of them during WWI because they had German accents. By WWII, her oldest son was a navigator on planes that flew missions over Germany. All my other relatives come from either County Clare or County Mayo in Ireland.  And I know I ended my last post this's way too hot here--we're not used to this kind of heat on the Cape!

  • Susan Burke

    You're welcome and me too!

  • Candi Hogan

    Hi Chuck!  Thanks for the note!  Will love to see your watercolors, but you truly are the scratch board master!  Yes we do have some neat buildings here in Las Cruces!  I just love the southwestern architecture.  Right now trying to paint an old building I photographed in Organ, the old mining town.  Doing it in is taking me forever.  Mainly I think because I have to keep remixing paint, it dries so fast.  How long do your scratch boards take, say the last one?  LOTS of detail!

  • Candi Hogan

    I would too Chuck.

  • Linda L. Kano

    So you live in Yuma. We camped there for a couple weeks a few years ago. Meadview is about 2 1/2 hours from Las Vegas. We live near the Grand Canyon Skywalk and near Lake Mead. My focus right now is oils...started The Virtual Artist Academy. I'll watch for your work...let's be artist friends!
  • Sarah Bottjer

    Thanks for the message Chuck. A few years ago I used my old toys in paintings and I thorally enjoyed myself. I also used to use scratch boards which was very addictive but you are very good at them, I wasn't ...........".
  • Britt Greenland

    Chuck, it's raining and so dark here that it looks like 2:40 AM instead of 2:40 PM, so I appreciate you sending sun and warmth!  I might be one of those sun birds...planning a winter road/painting trip but I haven't finalized the details. 

    My hubby was an engineer for 13 years, and then switched to police officer 2 years ago.  His sgt. has a new joke of the day for roll call at 3:00AM! Very few are funny enough to make it back to me ; ). 

  • Britt Greenland

    He was the other kind of engineer--the design kind ; )

    Merry Christmas, Santa!

  • Dorian Aronson

     Friends for sure!  Thanks :)

  • Mireille Fournier

    Dear Chuck,

    You for sure have a gift what a wonderful thing. You are amazingly talented!

    I also just discovered Painting less than one year ago and I just turned 49. So I am excited like you and planning to do this til the end of day :) So far I have done Acrylics , mainly Oil Paintings and Pencil and Charcoal. I like to do a lot of textured Painting with my Palette knife.  

    Thanks for the detailed info regarding Scratch Art I am really intrigued and want to try it. I ll let you know how it goes !

    Best wishes,


  • Roberto Rosman

    Thank you Chuck! I have started painting in 2007. I never thought I would ever paint horses the way I am doing now. Practicing and studying techniques I beleave is fundamental. Best regards.