oil on canvas

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Comment by Laura Xu on February 9, 2014 at 7:33

Compare with the prevous one, the light effect makes the painting huge different. Great work Jon!

Comment by Pauline Le Merle on February 9, 2014 at 6:27

Very nice painting Jon

Comment by Michael J. Severin on February 9, 2014 at 3:07

Well Jon, you must be very happy about this one? ...it is really nice!!  I love your handling of the water and spotlight effect!!!  Watch out for elements that crisscross .like those ropes ...they are eye catchers.  You have an opportunity for counterpoint that was not taken ...the mast is light against both the dark stairs and the light building ...darken the mast as it transits the light building ..that is called "counterpoint or counter exchange"  ..it gives luminosity.


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