All Blog Posts (601)

Finding Purpose in Painting

Hi Richard, I enjoyed your post on this subject. The thing is, I have a lot of passion when it comes to painting; love the act of painting. But what to do with all these canvases? That is the hard part! I don't know what percentage of time you put into marketing, but the idea of that seems to take the wind out of my sails.. I am not sure how much time I want to spend marketing my work so it doesn't stack up in my garage. Any ideas about this dilemma ?

Added by Connie Rodriguez on December 25, 2013 at 7:03 — 1 Comment


Hi Everyone. I am so glad I found this site. I am a novice artist with only taking up the paint brush just over 18 months ago. I have had little experience and I am so looking forward to my new adventure into the art world. I started painting as a welcome relief from the care giving role I have for my husband who developed Early Onset Alzheimers 3 years ago. Thanks to Richard and Diana Moore and the art class I have now also started drawing. The only regrets I have are that I never had the…


Added by Glenis Davies on December 16, 2013 at 12:58 — 2 Comments

Painting Taranaki

"Taranaki" 14.5x25" Oil on Canvas by Richard Robinson (Studio Painting).

A commissioned piece for a wedding. Lots of fun. Again with the washes of Water Mixable Oils to start with and then layering on the thick paint, most with walnut oil as the…


Added by Richard Robinson on December 13, 2013 at 19:30 — 6 Comments

Rosies Shed

"Rosies Shed" Oil in Canvas by Richard Robinson (plein air)…


Added by Richard Robinson on December 9, 2013 at 18:31 — 7 Comments

Cracking the Water Mixable Oils

"The Lupins Out The Back" Oil on Canvas by Richard Robinson

Starting to get the hang of these water soluble oils. Laying down very watery washes to begin with makes for easier painting on top. Most previous paintings have been attempted over an oily base which makes it difficult to paint over and the paint doesn't stick so well to an oily surface.…


Added by Richard Robinson on December 7, 2013 at 17:46 — 10 Comments

Painting trip in Glenorchy

"Out to Pasture" Oil on Canvas 14x14" by Richard Robinson (plein air)…


Added by Richard Robinson on December 6, 2013 at 21:39 — 8 Comments

Love you oodles

Richard I look forward to your little lessons and comments. I'm loving them and putting them into practice. Blessings, Sherry

Added by Charlotte Walkup on November 16, 2013 at 2:30 — No Comments

Love you oodles

Richard I look forward to your little lessons and comments. I'm loving them and putting them into practice. Blessings, Sherry

Added by Charlotte Walkup on November 16, 2013 at 2:30 — No Comments

2014 Calendar available now


Hi guys, I've put 12 of my favorite paintings from 2013 into this printed calendar for 2014.

You can preview it and order it here.


Use this coupon code in the checkout for…


Added by Richard Robinson on November 13, 2013 at 13:30 — 5 Comments

Practical Plein Air Concept/Packing Ideas (for beginners like me )

My guess is that this has already been thoroughly covered in previous posts, but just in case there are others who don't wish to dig through the 100 plus archives on plein air painting---here we go with some ideas you are free to borrow, steal, or improve upon. 

Here are some mistakes I have already made for your benefit and mine ; )  :

Mistake#1 assuming it's too hard to pack with…


Added by Britt Greenland on October 19, 2013 at 9:00 — 15 Comments


watch this:


Watching it made me want to become a much better GOLFER.

Added by Jim Haycock on October 18, 2013 at 6:00 — 2 Comments

New to The Complete Artist site

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to this site and thought I would give you a brief profile on myself.  I live on acreage in the Gold Coast Hinterland, Australia and have been painting on and off (mostly off due to working full time) for the last 25 odd years. I have been retired for the last few years, so I now have a lot more time on my hands and want to focus on painting, which to me is a lifetime pursuit.  My first painting lessons were in oils, which I enjoyed very much at the time, and then…


Added by Colleen McCafferty on October 13, 2013 at 22:44 — 12 Comments

Plein Air Painting Workshop at Palm Cove, Australia

"Palm Cove" 12x12" Oil on Canvasboard by Richard Robinson

Just got back from camping up the East Coast of Australia for 3 weeks with the family. The trip ended in Palm Cove where I gave a 2 day plein air painting workshop to 12 students. (Hi guys!) Most of them hadn't painted outdoors before and as always it was a bit of a shock to the system as they battled…


Added by Richard Robinson on October 11, 2013 at 17:22 — 1 Comment

Tips For The Colour Confused

Do you find colour confusing? Have you have ever reached for the yellow ochre and then realised you picked up orange instead?

Do you find it hard to decide exactly what a colour is? You are never sure if it is yellow green or khaki… green or brown?

Do you hear other artists talk about nuances of colour that you can’t even see, and wonder how they do…


Added by Richard Rogers on October 7, 2013 at 21:30 — No Comments

Left-Handedness and How It Impacts One's Painting Process

**I would be interested in hearing from others who are left-handed, and how it affects them as a painter.**

It's amazing to me after just returning to painting with education via video's to realize the added difficulty I've run into following right-handed painters and applying it to my process. I don't think this occurred to me when I was at our local college learning initially, years ago, for we were pretty much left to our own devices.

People read right to left, and artists…


Added by Carolyn Brunsdon on October 5, 2013 at 3:52 — 12 Comments

Saving Oil Paint

Saving oil paint is always on the oil artist mind. (my opinion)

Everyone has heard how well putting paint in the freezer works, and I did that successfully for years.  Living in a motor home with a small freezer made that no longer work for me too well.

Next I heard about paint under water.  Surprisingly it works, and I did not need to refrigerate. I have some small Carmex Lip Gloss (stuff)  (the jar is 1.25" wide and 1" tall--small).  I can scrape up my little dabs and wipe…


Added by Roena King on September 15, 2013 at 10:55 — 18 Comments

Painting mediums

Hey everyone, I am a bit confused, or uncertain about using painting mediums.

I noticed Richard using some walnut oil, so I got some to try. I have read so many different things about medium, but most people talk about how it makes the paint dry faster. I am interested in making the paint flow, or be thinner like Richard thins his darks. I guess my concern is using too much or not knowing when to use paint thinner instead of oil medium. I hear people say to paint thick on thin or fat…


Added by Christine Lewis on September 5, 2013 at 13:13 — 9 Comments

Fox Hunt in the Flemish Style

Thought I'd post what I'm working on..a painting based on a photo from Marily on Paint my Photo.

I'll put up the series of steps from drawing through where I am at present..color layer..working on enriching the colors ad details & debating re how detailed i should get with the dogs & riders..any thoughts/comments/critiques are most welcome!!

Source photo:…


Added by Lori Ippolito on September 4, 2013 at 16:21 — No Comments

Fox Hunt WIP2

The color layer has taken ages to dry between layers..I began using liquin in the last few passes of color & it's been better..Not sure how detailed I want to go with the dogs & riders..this is the color layer's progress:…


Added by Lori Ippolito on September 4, 2013 at 15:00 — 9 Comments

Painting Tunnels Beach Kauai

"Tunnels Beach" 12x16" Oil on Canvas by Richard Robinson

We're back home now, but this was the last painting of our wee Hawaiian holiday.…


Added by Richard Robinson on August 25, 2013 at 12:08 — 11 Comments

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